The aim of the study is

•  to consider philosophical problems of science and technical knowledge in order to develop a historical and philosophical approach to the analysis of modern scientific problems and ways of development of science and technical knowledge;

• to determine the scientific worldview, the development of creative thinking and inner freedom of the individual;

•  to assimilate the world philosophical inheritance, including labor problems of engineers and IT-specialists, development of equipment and technologies, especially modern high technologies;

• to form the knowledge about research methods, and also skills in using the studied methods when writing a master's thesis;

•  to study the methods for the scientific search of information, including search in abstract databases (Scopus, Web of Science, RSCI);

•  to obtain skills for organizing and conducting R&D, completing a master's thesis, writing articles and applications for inventions.

•  to form a detailed understanding of undergraduates about modern philosophy and methodology of science;

•  to promote the acquisition by students of an understanding of the role of science in the development of civilization, the interaction of science and technology and the associated social, legal and ethical problems, the values ​​of scientific rationality and its historical types, the ability to use knowledge of the structure, forms and methods of scientific knowledge;

•  to teach students how to use philosophical principles and categorical apparatus in the analysis of professional, scientific and socio-ethical problems of our time in assessing the consequences of their professional activities, in the development and implementation of socially significant projects;

• to teach how to use the historical and philosophical approach to the analysis of modern scientific problems and ways of development of science and technical knowledge;

•  to form a detailed idea of ​​theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research, areas of their application, the possibility of using it during the preparation of a master's thesis;

• to develop skills for searching for scientific information in databases, including impact factor of publications (JCR for Web of Science, SCIMago Journal Rank (SJR) for Scopus database), quartile of a journal, quotation to a scientist, etc., as well as searching for documentary sources of information in catalogs and file cabinets;

• to develop design skills of scientific publications in accordance with the IEEE template;

• to mold an  idea of ​​the terminology of scientific research;

• to mold an opinion of ​​the methodology of writing a master's thesis;

• to contribute to the formation of reporting skills on scientific and design activities;

• to mold a detailed idea among graduate students on how to prepare scientific articles in leading domestic and foreign publishers.